Deployment Countdown is a simple widget* that counts down the days till your loved ones return or deployment is over. Currently the widget has images for Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. This is the perfect widget for military wife, husband, father, mother, soldier and even kids. *This is a widget and you will not find it in the application list. To access the widget long press on an empty space on your home screen and select Widgets option. Next locate the Deployment Countdown and it will open the widget configuration screen.
Features:Enter a custom name for each widget-Recommend using Caps for entering namesSupport for multiple countdownsNumber of images to choose from-More will be added in the future
If you enter a name incorrectly or choose an image that doesn’t suit you, just delete the widget by long pressing on the widget and dragging it to the trash. If the deployment expected return date changes, do the same thing. You can add as many widgets as your screen can hold.